Medi Monsters
MediMonsters: Providing cancer children and chronically ill children ages 18 and younger with a FREE monster to gobble up fears during doctor's appointments, hospital stays or uncomfortable procedures and treatments!
Kourageous Kids
Creating tailor-made books for children with terminal illness depicting them as the heroes they are. Hope is precious. Let's share it.
Sweet Dreams for Kids
Sweet Dreams For Kids is a nonprofit organization that donates new pajamas to kids in the hospital. We want to take the "ICK" out of being SICK.
Pillowcases for Patients
To bring joy and smiles to kids with life-threatening illnesses, check out Pillow Cases for Patients.
Love Quilts
Welcome to the homepage for Love Quilts! We are a cross stitch group that creates cross stitched quilts for children with life threatening or life long illnesses. Love Quilts began in February 1999 and in the fall of 2003 we passed our 100th quilt made! We sent out our 550th quilt in January of 2011!
Please feel free to browse around and view the webpages that have been created for these special children. See the navigation links on the left side of this page for more information you will need to help Love Quilts.
These quilts are being made by a lot of wonderful people from the US and even other countries! These squares are counted cross-stitch only, not stamped or machine stitched. Most children are offered on a sign up basis and you may randomly pick the children you wish to stitch for. We also accept "any child" squares which are saved and used when an odd number of squares come in for a quilt or, when we have enough, to create a full quilt for a child who might not be able to wait the several months it takes to get a quilt made via sign ups.
Joy Jars
JoyJars® were created by Jessica Joy Rees during her courageous 10 month fight with two brain tumors. Jessie used her JoyJars® to spread hope, joy and love to children fighting life altering medical illnesses.
Blessing Boxes
Hi! We are Sara and Alexis and we are Blessing Boxes. We send boxes of blessings to children with cancer and other life threatning diseases. We are both teenagers and we love helping these kids! If you have any questions message us!
Icing Smiles
Icing Smiles is a nonprofit organization that provides custom celebration cakes and other treats to families impacted by the critical illness of a child. We understand that the simple things, like a birthday cake, are luxuries to a family battling illness. Our goal is to create a custom cake for the ill child, or their sibling, that provides a temporary escape from worry and creates a positive memory during a difficult time.
Project Sweet Peas
Project Sweet Peas is a non-profit organization run by volunteers across the country, who through personal experience have become passionate about providing comfort to families with children in the intensive care units and to those who have experienced pregnancy and infant loss.
Our programs support the wellness of families by providing care packages and other services that offer comfort while furthering the bond between parent and child, and treasured keepsakes to families who have experienced a loss.
Through our services, we give from our heart, to inspire families with the hope of tomorrow.
Peach's Neet Feet
Peach’s Neet Feet donates custom, hand-painted shoes to children living with disabilities and fighting serious illnesses. Every shoe is customized to complement each child’s life, interest, and courageous fight. These personalized, one of a kind gifts lift the spirits of children and their families. When a child is fighting an illness, the whole family is impacted. With the web of caring individuals and the gift of personalized shoes, families are supported and strengthened.
Tubie Friends
For children receiving a feeding tube, a stuffed friend with medical equipment mirroring the child's can make the entire process less frightening. As much as possible, we mirror the child's medical interventions to the animal by placing a similar feeding tube, as well as additional medical interventions such as central IV lines, tracheostomy tubes or oxygen cannulas if possible. Additionally, each Tubie Friend comes with a parent letter providing information and listing support groups for feeding tubes.
Tubie Friends were initially intended for people with medical devices and are developmentally under the age of 18. However, we know there is value in an adult, school, siblings, caregivers or doctor having a Tubie Friend as well. Currently, our donations are solicited and collected for children, so we need to use our funds for children. To meet these other needs, we have started a fundraiser that allows anyone to own a Tubie Friend and support our cause at the same time. If you are not requesting a Tubie Friend for a child, please visit our products page and request a Sibling Tubie Friend. If you have questions, please email us.
Eli's Angels
Our Mission is to send children with Leigh’s disease, mitochondrial or metabolic disorders a gift, for them to enjoy, create memories, know they are special and provide support to the families who care for them.
Songs of Love
The Songs of Love Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing personalized songs for children and teens currently facing tough medical, physical or emotional challenges, free of charge.
Cole's Quilts
A group of stitchers who come together to create hand-made quilts for children who have or have passed away from SMA. Founded in Cole Webb's honor.
Hope and Play-Doh
We wanted to find a way to give back what we received when we were in our time of need. So many people stepped to the plate for us with donations and toys for the kids to play with on the long days that we were at the hospital while Patrick was getting his treatments. Along with those long nights and weeks being admitted into the hospital. Hope and Play-Doh is a way for us not to only be able to give the kids a fun activity to do while in treatment. We picked play-doh because the sky is the limit. There are so many different things that you can do with play-do. Whether it's building, molding, or sculpting.
Andrew's Toybox
Andrew's Toybox is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing special care packages filled with toys, crafts and books to children with life-threatening illnesses. Their mission is very simply - to provide smiles to the faces of sick children. We feel children facing the most difficult of life's circumstances deserve all the special treatment they can get.
Angels for Hope
Receive or send free crocheted angels, butterflies or smiley faces as a reminder that you/they are not alone and that someone cares!
Pages for Children, Inc.
Pages for Children, Inc. send various kinds of books, birthday cards and appropriate holiday cards (each with a personal message inside), as well as other items.
From Z with Love
Send to care packages to new OI babies and their parents, including altered clothing, lists of resources, testimonials, and some of the types of things Zayana loved. We know she would have wanted to spread her love to all of the other OI babies!
Coping with Laryngomalacia
Through the many different programs, Coping with Laryngomalacia offers families socks, blankets, formula and much more.
Inspiration Through Art
Complimentary (free) photo shoots for children with terminal/chronic illness and their families by professional photographers in their area.
Experience the satisfaction of making a sick child's day and giving them something to look forward to. Send a card and a hug -- one of the smiles you create just might be your own!
Cards for Kids
I'm really excited to start a Facebook page where I can use my love of crafting and making cards and gifts for good causes. I have done this for a long time. Usually I go on Ellen Degeneres' Facebook page and when I see a story that touches my heart, I do something to brighten that persons life. So I created my own page in hopes people will join me. I really care and just want to make sick kids days brighter. So, if you know someone who could use a card, message me or post their story and I will message you for address and details.
Socks 4 Surgery
Socks for Surgery is dedicated to providing a keepsake of a pair of socks, a reminder of overcoming the adversity of surgery. Our mission is to improve their surgery experience by keeping their feet warm, while keeping a personal belonging with them. We believe health and wellness will lead to a satisfying and rewarding life. We want to inspire fellow friends to help spread awareness of birth defects.
Angel Love Boxes
This is an outreach ministry of Food4Disasters, and we sponsor families with chronically-sick/injured children. We all come together on this group to bless each family with items they may need such as fast food meal cards, gifts, toys, diapers, clothing, and homemade gifts from the heart.
Pop 'n Grow
Pop 'n' Grow is the U.K's only neonatal clothing charity that supplys it's unique patented clothing to Neonatal units across the U.K 100% FREE.
Project Linus
First, it is our mission to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer “blanketeers.”
Little Princess Trust
The Little Princess Trust provides real-hair wigs to boys and girls across the UK and Ireland that have sadly lost their own hair through cancer treatment.
Locks of Love
Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. We meet a unique need for children by using donated hair to create the highest quality hair prosthetics. Most of the children helped by Locks of Love have lost their hair due to a medical condition called alopecia areata, which has no known cause or cure. The prostheses we provide help to restore their self-esteem and their confidence, enabling them to face the world and their peers.
Emmy's Heart
Emmy’s Heart volunteers create tutus and crowns for BUTTERFLY PRINCESSES and capes and masks for SUPERHEROES undergoing treatment for serious illnesses or disabilities in South Florida.
Jaxson's Blankies
Jaxson was born 6 years ago with Down syndrome and multiple medical problems including a hypoxic brain injury. After spending months in the ICU, we discovered blankets were a hot commodity! Finding just the right one was important, and many of Jax blankies we used we still have today. When my mother in law taught me how to crochet around blankets, I decided I wanted to make blankies for other children who were always sick and spent a lot of times in a hospital room. We pick material specifically for each child so it will be special! You can visit Jaxsons website at
Butterflies for Courageous Kids
Hey Everyone,my name is Alli and I am 19. I am a sophomore in college battling a Chronic Illness called Gastroparesis (since 2009) and am currently studying to become a nurse for pediatric oncology. I am also the founder of this project and a huge supporter of the Jessie Rees Foundation and encouraging courageous kids to NEGU ( Never Ever Give Up). I want to customize each butterfly to fit each unique kid. I want it to have their interests and likes shown by small drawings and images. These are completely free to courageous fighters and their families! Request away!
Sisters by Heart
Sisters by heart is a group of heart moms who came together during their CHD journey – some of whom were fortunate to meet prior to their CHD warriors arrival. We’ve supported each other in our journeys with our congenital heart defect children. Knowing the challenges and difficulties we faced upon diagnosis, and more so, upon bringing our HLHS fighters into this world, we created Sisters by Heart to reach out and support parents of the newly diagnosed. A major aspect of our mission is to send care packages to new mothers (and fathers) who are at the beginning of their journey. We want them to know that they are not alone and provide resources and understanding while their child undergoes care and treatment from birth throughout recovery.
Mikey's Heart of Gold
Mikey's Heart of Gold donates Beanie Babies to Children that have Cancer, other illnesses, been abused, or injury. With each Beanie comes with a HOPE Charm a Photo Card from our 2 year old Puggle and a letter from us. There will be enclosed now what is called a Beanie Bear blanket they have been made from the seniors from a close friend who works at the nursing home Please share the page and get the word out Thank you so Much
Operation Faith and Hope
My name is Holly Orcutt & God put on my heart to start this Outreach to send cards to children who are sick. My plan is to send them cards at least once a month and on their bdays & holidays. I would also like, God willing, to send them little gifts from time to time. I am also doing my best to post daily devotionals for the family on this Facebook page. To be a source of encouragement for them. I am also working with our local Hospitals & Hospices to start making visits to the children that are inpatient. And take them a card & hopefully a gift. Just to let them know that people outside of their family & friends are thinking, praying & care about them as well. As of today,Jan 2, 2013, I have been blessed with 65 children. Each one has touched my heart so deeply & I think and pray about them & their family ALL day long.
An Angel for an Angel
I send hand made angels from a wine cork to sick children to remind them angels are watching over them and their families during this dark time in their lives. I do this on my own for now. I am looking into making this program a non profit org. for now if anyone would like to help with the cost of mailing these angels to sick children and their families, I have a funrazr botton on my pase and would appreciate your donations no matter what amount!! If you know of a child in need of an Angel please message me, Thanks for your support!
Gracie's Gowns
Gracie's Gowns make hospital gowns for chronically ill children throughout the US and internationally as well. They are personalized with the child's name and I match the fabric/gown to what the child likes or is interested in the most.