We tried our best to make it work. Though it was not the picture she had imagined from witnessing so many before her enjoy the simple pleasures of attending elementary school, we did all we could to assure that she was able to have as many of the same experiences as possible. There were still some unavoidable differences; she got dropped off and picked up each morning/afternoon curbside so that we could carefully unload her wheelchair to be sure she had the energy to make it through the day, we had to hire a private nurse to attend with her so that she could manage her vast medical equipment and health care needs, her backpack contained more medical supplies than books, and countless other subtle to large differences that set her apart from the typical
At that point it was clear the only choice for her was to be homeschooled, so that is the choice we had to make...
I would be lying if I said it was an easy choice to make. The road to acceptance was long and difficult with many bumps along the way. Homeschooling our daughter was not something that had ever crossed our radar as parents. Not only had my husband and I both gone through the public school system to achieve our educations, my husband also spent years obtaining a postgraduate degree so that he could teach within the public schools. It was very far outside the boundaries of our comfort zone, and something that we just had never chosen to put much thought into. We had no problem with the concept of homeschooling itself or others who had chosen it as their children's educational path, it was just not something we expected, and because it was not something our daughter initially understood or wanted for herself it made it all the harder to embrace. The inability to help her succeed in public school, and what at first felt like a forced decision to homeschool honestly just felt like one more thing that her disease had taken from her, when in reality we were looking at it from all the wrong angles.
Our little girl is now in third grade. The decision we made, with the gentle guidance of our daughter's physicians, to teach her at home was one of the hardest we have had to make for her. What has made it easier over the years is seeing all of the; educational, physical, and emotional benefits unfold for her as a result of it. She has made academic progress we were unable to attain while she
I will admit there are days when I still grieve over what feels, at times, like the loss of a dream. The ebbs and flows of emotion are like waves upon the shore; sometimes silent and gentle, other times roaring loudly and knocking me clear off of my feet. It often comes on strongest when she is too sick to homeschool. She will sleep the day away curled up in a ball; her curriculum opened and ready, untouched on my desktop, with lingering hope that we will be able to complete another necessary day of learning.
Today as I sat there again at the foot of her bed, reading chapters to her softly drawn eyelids I paused a moment just to take her in. Before I could even begin to start questioning myself, or our choices I gave her hand a gentle squeeze. I know we are doing the best we can, and I know we are doing right by her. The little girl who struggled to recognize the letters in her own name, can now read, she can write, and though she had the unfortunate circumstance of inheriting her grandmother's math phobia, I know we will get through that together too. When you look at where we came from and where we are now I know we are already responsible for her success, together.
Adapted from "Embracing our Path to Homeschooling," originally published on Learning to Let Go; A Different Dream for Us
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