I somehow found my way to a local organization, Texas Parent to Parent. In my irrational state, I signed up to be a mentor to other moms. I was not qualified for this role, but I am so glad that I went to the training. As we went around the room each mom told her story and how they found their way to the group. I was one of the last to go. I sat and listened to each story and felt envious of each mom. I would give anything to have their problems. Their children were medically involved, but they could smile, they could breath, many could even walk and talk. Then it was my turn to share. As I had done a thousand times before, I tried to tell my story. I was a mess before I even got half way through. I could not hold back the tears and felt like a complete fool breaking down in front of everyone. I was here to be a mentor and as it turned out, I NEEDED a mentor.
At the Texas Parent to Parent training I learned about the Stages of Adaptation. I learned that my feelings of jealousy, anger, etc were all normal. I learned that what I needed to do was to grieve. Grieving did not make any sense at first. Why would I grieve, my child is alive? I realized with the help of these new mentors in my life that I am not grieving my living child, I need to grieve the life that I had imagined. The life I spent picturing for 9 months (or really for my entire childhood). The life I envisioned for my daughter, and for me as a mom, was very real. And that life is gone and needs to be grieved. My obsession with getting pregnant again, even though I knew I could not physically have another baby nor did I have the time, resources, etc for another baby, was normal. That was my subconscious way of trying to recreate the birth and early fantasies I had lost. Once I knew why I was feeling the way that I was, and I knew I was not crazy but just a MOM, it helped me a lot.
A year or so later I realized that there were reasons all of the memories were so vivid each time I told my story. I was suffering from PTSD. Just like the original idea of grief, PTSD also seemed completely out of place. PTSD was for soldiers in war, not for moms. As I learned more about PTSD I realized that it was in fact what I had. Many parents that go through a trauma like I had with their child (it does not have to be at birth- but often is) will be so scarred from that trauma that PTSD is very common. The same neuro receptors and chemicals are involved regardless of the nature of the trauma. I as a mom watching my child go through all that she as gone through, and going through many medical issues myself was traumatized. Much like a soldier that sees unimaginable sights at war, I saw unimaginable things in the NICU.
Many of us may need to see a psychologist or psychologist to help work through our feelings. Many of us may need chemical interventions to help get through this process as well (I do not mean to self medicate- I am referring to chemical interventions prescribed by and monitored by a licensed medical professional). There are some great resources to help find a good therapists in your area, and there are many that specialize in treating caregivers. Not only do they treat for PTSD, depression, anxiety, and the other things we often expect with extreme parenting, but they also treat things such as caregiver burnout, and grief at the many different stages. There is sometimes a stigma attached to seeing medical care for physiological issues, but if you need this care PLEASE call someone. There is no shame, and asking for help does not make you a bad parent.
I expect many of you reading this can relate to the feelings I describe. Please know that you are not alone. We are all in this together. Seek help, join support groups (like Mommies of Miracles) and allow yourself time to grieve. It's an amazing journey and rewarding in so many ways. There will be dark days, but you can do this!
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